Calgary Carpet Cleaning 101
Thank you for visiting our website! We are the owners of a small carpet cleaning company servicing Calgary, Okotoks and neighbouring cities and townships. Our company is in the business for almost 20 years and has a solid technical background. Each of our technicians has been thoroughly trained and is willing to provide high-quality service. […]
Category: Guides
Carpet Cleaning Okotoks and Dewinton – How it should be done
What you should know first about Carpet Cleaning Okotoks: Carpets act as a filter. Earlier the general notion used to be to leave the carpets hanging till they were visibly dirty. People thought that they should let their carpets be as long as they could. They thought the sooner they cleaned them, the sooner they […]
Pet Stains Removal From Carpets
So your beloved kitty or dog decided to empty their bowels onto the living room carpet? What to do now? Don’t be hard on yourself or lose hope that your carpet can never be the same again. Don’t blame your pet either. They are creatures and they cannot always be tamed. Instead, focus on the […]
Category: Guides
Vacuuming tips for carpet cleaning.
Well, what could possibly be so hard about vacuuming right? Is it all about holding the device and moving it back and forth over the dusty areas right? Wrong! It’s not about simply making lines in the carpet and admiring your handiwork because then the carpet would still remain dirty although on the surface it […]
Category: Guides
Handling Stains Caused By Pets
CARPET PET STAINS REMOVAL Are you a pet owner? Do you adore your furry friends? You might be crazy about your pets but not even the most ardent pet lovers can deny that they get annoyed when their pets soil their carpets instead of relieving themselves at their originally designated spots. Well, pets will be […]
Category: Guides
Carpet Cleaning Fundamentals
Stains are a natural and integral part of any carpet’s life cycle. Avoiding getting stains is impossible but cleaning up the mess is your responsibility as a carpet owner. Just as young kids cannot be stopped from painting on the wall or peeing in the living room, a carpet cannot be kept from getting dirty. […]
Category: Guides
Cleaning Cat Poop From Carpets
So your miss fluffy decided to relieve herself on the carpet and you are left with the unenviable task of cleaning up the aftermath. Worse yet, you didn’t notice until it was a week and now you are left with the task of having to remove dried up and smelly cat poop. Don’t panic. It’s […]
Category: Guides
The Guide To Cleaning Wooden Furniture
Cleaning a wooden furniture can be a befuddling task especially since different wooden articles come in varying degrees of finishes. A general three-step formula for keeping your wooden furnishings clean and tidy is given below along with details on how to work with them. DUSTING Don’t stop dusting the table or shelves. Thin layers of […]
Category: Guides
Cleaning Upholstery
Over time, dust accumulates over furniture and upholstery items facilitating the need for cleaning them at regular intervals. Furniture cleaning isn’t a science. There are some general guidelines that should be followed to ‘shallow’ clean or surface clean any furniture. In order to deep clean upholstery furniture such as sofas, leather chairs one needs to […]
Category: Guides
Keeping Furniture Clean
A household has several different types of furniture all of which are prone to get stained by accidents at some time or the other. In order to keep the house clean, it sort of becomes imperative to learn how to keep your furniture clean. Spills are the most common and can happen at any time. […]
The Turner Valley Carpet Cleaning Guide
Be it a stain or a spot, no one likes a dirty carpet, especially when it is the third most expensive investment made by a homeowner. We all want clean carpets that will last longer, be colourfast and durable. Dirt and dust are the natural particles that will accumulate over time and plague your beautiful carpet. Fortunately, they are […]
Category: Guides
Carpet Cleaning Black Diamond: Stain Handling
Protecting your carpets from stains is not easy especially when you have kids around. Spills and stains abound. And may the Lord protect you if you have pets! Be it spills from wines or finger painting by your toddler cleaning a carpet, especially removing stains can be a huge deal if you don’t know how […]
Mattress Cleaning Calgary
Mattress cleaning Calgary 101 In the hustle and bustle of cleaning furniture and carpets, it is very easy to forget the one thing that gives us a good night’s rest. This item is none other than the mattress. Mattresses take a lot of beating and deserve a good bout of cleaning from time to time. […]
Category: Guides
Calgary Residential Carpet Cleaning
Getting those stains off your trusty and comfy carpets can be a real pain if you aren’t doing it the right away. More often than not it isn’t even the question of doing it the right away, the question is of doing the cleaning using the right tools. Not only that, carpet fibres vary widely […]
Category: Guides